This past week I was privvy to a conversation with a mutual friend from our education system. I was completely baffled by the feedback. It seems the system has now different segments than just applied or academic and special-ed. There is vocational, and basic. Vocational where I believe teachers talk for 76 mins per class and basic where everything is pretty much dumbed down to even perhaps get a student to escape by reading at textbook (IEP? method); they can get their teacher to read to them!
Now apart from this, it seems that politics is a never ending battle in every aspect of life, including education. There are favoritisms and bump-ups. Whether a lot of us like to admit it or not "networking" or as I like to think of it as "kissing ass to earn a job" method is actually successful.
However, the education system overrules anything and everything because kissing up can also correlate to many years of hours of service being put in, which plays a great factor.
Then we have the bump-ups. Sad to say that teachers/principal/counselors/the entire education board does not really care about the future of our kids. All they do care about is continuous success in staying open. I mean there some kids who are possibly on the brink of failure every single time but principals/counselors/etc. will encourage teachers to "bump-up" the mark for them to pass and leave high school. Sometimes, teachers get over-ruled and the change in grade is automatically made.
Now, there's the education board as stated above and then we have the student aspect. Students are getting dumber and dumber by the minute. They cant spell, read, or write to save their lives. How is it that they advance to universities/colleges. In fact, the education system also has a format for students to simply get a Certificate to pass and leave high school, but it gets them nowhere but to the front line of manual labor work at factories.
On top of that, students have the attitude of a bull. They are ridiculously stubborn and mouthy and have no respect for themselves or their peers. Students seem to believe that they come first in everything without any effort or focus, but all they really are as my friend says is "a waste of space" in a classroom environment.